500m Individual Hydraulics Hawke’s Bay Dash
This is an ideal swim for those stepping up from the 200m Kids Classic and those new to open water swimming and just want to “give it a go”.
The 500m Individual race will start on the left of the course near the lighthouse. Competitors will swim a loop course around buoys, before heading back the finish line.
Top 3 individual competitors and the top team will receive a certificate. You will be able to check your time on our website by about 2pm on race day. Certificates of completion with your time are available through our website.
Age Groups
Determined by your age as at race day.
Under 15
Over 60
Surf Life Saving New Zealand will be patrolling the course in IRBs and on rescue boards. Swimmers should be able to confidently swim the distance entered.
Race start time
Compulsory pre-race briefing at 9 am. Race starts at 9.15 am. REGISTER HERE.
- Napier Port Ocean Swim 2021
- Napier Port Ocean Swim 2021